Our Story:

As margarita connoisseurs ourselves, we understand the importance of a perfectly crafted margarita. But it’s not just about the margaritas; it’s about the good times on the weekends and creating unforgettable moments with friends and loved ones.

Which is why we have taken it upon ourselves to solve the age-old issue. Is it really a party without ice-cold margs? A question that has puzzled partygoers for generations. But fear not, Los Weekenders have taken it upon ourselves to investigate & solve this burning issue at hand.

About Margarita Machine Rental in Houston

What exactly is a party, you ask? Great question. Let’s break down the definition:

"Par·ty /Pärdē/ noun 1. a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, & entertainment."

As you can see, we didn’t make the rules. Drinking and Entertainment are two crucial aspects of throwing a party. So what now? Well, Los Weekenders got to work and dug for answers.

With unwavering dedication, a touch of old-fashioned elbow grease, and a few too many margs for the sake of scientific accuracy, we developed a simple yet foolproof method for throwing parties.

Why worry about how you’ll serve your guests all night or the possibility of running out of beverages when you can rent a frozen drink machine and add mix as you go so the party never stops? As a host, you should be sitting, relaxing, and being the life of the party while our machines do the entertaining.

Our top-of-the line frozen drink machine rentals are designed to deliver those consistent and crisp margaritas every time. Paired with our high-quality margarita mixes, we found the perfect balance, so every pour is icy and crisp to perfection. For more on margarita machine rentals check our blog.